Friday, January 12, 2007

the New George III to do neo-Nebuchadnezzar's posthumous bidding?

Back to real events now...

It appears the war is poised to spring towards Iran. That would be the ultra purpose of the 21,500 troop surge into Iraq, beyond securing Baghdad, upon which the universal verdict is: it is pointless, Mr. President. Likely, he agrees & does not really care much, besides - the mission, after all, is accomplished as concerns Iraq. Now onto other matters, namely Persia, aptly enough one of the targets of Saddam's final curse from the noose... So, it turns out the New George III will be honoring the memory of neo-Nebuchadnezzer by attempting what he failed to accomplish, at the behest of the US, in the 1980s. Perhaps Saddam is smiling from the grave at this prospect: his two greatest enemies, the "near" and the "far", thus poised for a real Mother of All Battles, one bloody enough to bring them both down together (which, incidentally, was the American strategem in supplying both sides, Iraq & Iran, in their nearly decade-long war, draining both sides of blood & treasure. How else was Kuwait such a cake-walk for the US in '91?).

So is there a broader war afoot at present? A slew of circumstantial evidence over the past several weeks suggests it, not to mention the reporting of Seymour Hersh over the past year. First, I mention the events around Christmas: the UN resolution of sanctions, and Iran's response, as quoted in the Dec.25 NYTimes. (Very appropriately, I must add... who gave us the Christmas date? Ancient Iran, whose Sun God Mithras was born of a virgin in a cave in 272 B.C. on December 25, as recognized by the Julian calendar). Said the Iranian minister: "Beginning Sunday morning [X-mas eve], we will begin activities at Natanz - site of 3000 centrifuges - and we will drive with full speed." Second, the recent raids and arrests of Iranian military and intelligence personel in Iraq can only point to more and more direct confrontations, as the layers of hostility by proxy (i.e. Israel, Hezbollah, Mahdi army, etc) become stripped away. Thirdly, I take note of the exchange yesterday in the Senate between Biden & Rice & Hagel:

Biden: "Sec. Rice do you believe the president has the constitutional authority to pursue across the border into [Iran] or Syria, the networks in those countries"

Rice: "...I would not like to speculate on the Pres' constitutional authority...which is broad as commander in cheif."

Biden then notes that the Iraq resolution of '02 doesn't allow for it & the Pres. would need further congressional authority in order to move into those countries.

Then, Hagel, refering to the exchange with Biden, notes that whatever she might give as assurance to the contrary, once set in motion, dangerous circumstances will arise that will necessitate cross border incursions, mentioning Cambodia 1970. Oh to see the evil glare on Condi's face as he spoke...

These Senators know what is up, as do a few others around DC; Zbig Brzezinski, for instance, on Jim Lehrer's NewsHour was disturbed by the prospect. "There are hints in the president's speech and in Rice's testimony today about the possibility of escalation, not necessarily in the number of troops, but in the range of the military operations, namely perhaps against Syria or Iran." And yet more wars & rumours of wars, or rather of a secret Executive Order.

Finally, I offer these two little fleeting 'psychisms', which of course more often than not are of no import, but which, on occassion do flash as lightning strikes of accuracy & insight.

First, a friend with military experience recently seemed a bit fixated on a sequence prime numbers, namely 3, 5, 7, and 11, as they might be applied to dates or times, so we'll see how that pans out.... (but you know the Bible says no man knows the day or the hour, so take it for what it's worth)

The second, I almost feel a patriotic duty to bring to the attention of the CIA, in so far as it could indicate places to search if those Iranians were trying to hide something; but seeing as this site is operated by Google, and Google has CIA connections already, I need not bother.

A split-second detail in the enema-fetish film Waterpower offers a cue towards a perhaps militarily relevant item... When enema bandit Bert, played by Jamie Gillis, visits the "Garden of Eden" specialist bordello, Sharon Mitchel is reading "The Ascent of Man" by J. Bronowski. Certainly this couldn't have been a meaningless reference on the part of director Shaun Costello, so inquiring further & looking up page 76 (cued thereto by the "Spirit of '76" motif which pops up repeatedly in the film as Bert's reminder of his mission)... there nothing obviously relevant: two illustrations of the wheel. However, the accompanying text, page 77 (release date of Waterpower), has the following passage:

"About the time that Joshua stormed Jericho, say 1400 B.C., the mechanical engineers of Sumer and Assyria turned the wheel into a pully to draw water. At the same time they designed large scale irrigation systems. The vertical maintenance shafts still survive like punctuation marks accross the Persian landscape. They go down three hundred feet to the qanats or underground canals that make up the system, at a level where the natural water is safe from evaporation... The qanats are a late construction of a city civilization, and they imply the existence by then of laws to govern water rights and land tenure and other social relations..."

Thus... Water and Power.

Subsequent correspondnce with the director, Shaun Costello, apparently confirms that the book and page reference in the film was intentional.


WXXX said...

Another reminder of who invented X-mas... Ahmadinejad’s Christmas Day Speech

WXXX said...