Monday, December 24, 2007

The Voice of God restored in Iraq

The American adventure into Iraq suggests a curious analogy of symbolism, a reversal as it were of the Ourobourous, whence the serpent's tail attempts to eat its head... or rather, does it attempt to strangle & decapitate? Consider, the world's youngest civilization injecting itself into one of the world's oldest, nominally at least, particularly as Saddam conceived himself as the "neo-Nebuchadnezzar" of a modern Mesopotamia.

Recent reports of a new technology of psychological warfare now being deployed in Iraq would lend further support to the analogy, especially if we were to accept Julian Jaynes theory of mind of ancient peoples. According to his account of the bicameral brain, preceding the advent of consciousness (as we know it), ancient man hallucinated his volitions as voices in the head - the commands of the gods.

Volition, planning, initiative is organized with no consciousness whatever and then 'told' to the individual in his familiar language, sometimes with the visual aura of a familiar friend or authority figure or 'god', or sometimes as a voice alone. The individual obeyed these hallucinated voices because he could not 'see' what to do by himself.
- Julian Jaynes. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. 1976. Pg. 75.

Now with the deployment of LRAD (long-range acoustic devices), which can focally project high-frequency sound to a specific location, there apparently utilizing the phenomenon of otoacoustic emission upon any occupant of the location, the 'Voice of God' is thus being realized once again...

It appears that some of the troops in Iraq are using "spoken" (as opposed to "screeching") LRAD to mess with enemy fighters. Islamic terrorists tend to be superstitious and, of course, very religious. LRAD can put the "word of God" into their heads. If God, in the form of a voice that only you can hear, tells you to surrender, or run away, what are you gonna do?

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