Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Late this summer, Sibel Edmonds finally had an opportunity to give testimony to what she heard in the Turkish language wiretaps during her breif employment with the FBI in 2001/2.
And, in the November 2009 issue of The American Conservative, she disclosed further details, including the following:
"The Turkish agents had a network of Turkish professors in various universities with access to government information. Their top source was a Turkish-born professor of nuclear physics at the Massachusetts Institutes of Technology. he was useful because he would place a bunch of Ph.D. or graduate-level students in various nuclear facilities like Sandia or Los Alamos, and some of them were able to work for the Air Force. He would provide the list of Ph.D. students who should get these positions. In some cases, the Turkish military attache would ask that certain students be placed in important positions. And they were not necessarily all Turkish, but the ones they selected had struck deals with the Turkish agents to provide information in return for money. If for some reason they had difficulty getting a security clearance, [Marc] Grossman would ensure that the State Department would arrange to clear them."
Following this lead concerning the "Turkish-born professor of nuclear physics," the most likely candidate would be A. Nihat Berker, who is no longer at M.I.T., but is currently President of Sabanci University in Istanbul. In his CV, we find that he was on sabbatical and extended leave from M.I.T. '99-04, and notably, he is "Founder and Director, M.I.T.-Turkey Freshman Scholars Program" beginning in 2003, which suggests a continuing role of facilitating Turkish students' entry into the U.S.
Pure speculation, we should add.
Moreover, we can wonder whether some of the Ph.D. students, now professors, included Bilge Yildiz or Nuh Gedik. An examination into their areas of research might tell us something about the nature of the technologies that were spirited away through the nuclear proliferation market.
But, again, we only speculate.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Riot
"In December of that year Mgr. Cajetan Bedini, who stood high in the Catholic hierarchy, spent Christmas with Bishop Purcell. The Freemen's Society blamed him for the death of Ugo Bassi, an Italian priest who had joined the revolutionaries under Garibaldi in 1849, but was captured and executed. The Freemen decided to hang Mgr. Bedini in effigy in robe and mitre in front of Bishop Purcell's home and then burn the effigy. News of the project reached the police. The procession of 1,200 persons, including 200 women and some children, left Frei Manner's Halle late in the evening and marched four abreast towards the Bishop's residence, led by a powerful fellow who carried the gallows on his shoulder. But at Ninth Street they were halted by a force of police under their chief, Captain Lukens. In the ensuing melee, shots were fired by the police, a number of the marchers were wounded, one fatally, and one policeman was injured, also fatally. Sixty-four paraders were arrested, charged with rioting, but public feeling was so high that they were discharged the next day... Meanwhile, effigies were burned in several of the suburbs, with parades and banners crying, "Down with Bedini!" "Down with Snelbaker" (the Mayor), "Down with the Cincinnati Police"; and another crowd of several hundred from the West End and Over the Rhine burned Mgr. Bedini once more, on a lot near St. Peter's Cathedral and squarely in front of a watch-house."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The American Polypus
But, consider that Benjamin Franklin was an early champion of American imperial ambition. If not under the rubric of British colonialism, which he advocated until the bitter end, Franklin metaphorically suggested that imperial expansion should follow the model of the polypus, whence a limb breaks off only to regenerate a new organism. As we read in paragraph 23 of his Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc. (1751)...
In fine, A Nation well regulated is like a Polypus; take away a Limb, its Place is soon supply'd; cut it in two, and each deficient Part shall speedily grow out of the Part remaining. Thus if you have Room and Subsistence enough, as you may by dividing, make ten Polypes out of one, you may of one make ten Nations, equally populous and powerful; rather, increase a Nation ten fold in Numbers and Strength.
Or, thirteen fold, as the case may be. At the moment of disseveration, as he voyaged back to Philadelphia in the Spring of 1775, Franklin wrote in a letter of 3/22 to his son William (a loyalist) that... former Cases great Empires had crumbled first at their Extremities from this Cause, that Countries remote from the Seat and Eye of Government which therefore could not well understand their Affairs for want of full and true Information, had never been well governed, but had been oppress’d by bad Governors, on Presumption that Complaint was difficult to be made and supported against them at such a Distance. Hence such Govrs. had been encouraged to go on, till their Oppressions became intolerable. But that this Empire had happily found and long been in the Practice of a Method, whereby every Province was well governed, being trusted in a great Measure with the Government of itself, and that hence had arisen such Satisfaction in the Subjects, and such Encouragement to new Settlements, that had it not been for the late wrong politicks, (which would have Parliament to be omnipotent, tho’ it ought not to be so unless it could at the same time be omniscient) we might have gone on extending our Western Empire adding Province to Province as far as the South Sea.
So, in fact, the new creature of the disseveration would extend to the Pacific and beyond. In August 1945, the imperial ambition would be christened across the South Sea with the atomic baptism of Japan, under the auspice of the Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, who, we gratuitously note, was a member of the Order of Skull & Bones (322).
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Benjamin Franklin's Earthquake Machine
The natural philosophers in power believe that Dr. Franklin has invented a machine of the size of a toothpick case, and materials that would reduce St. Paul's to a handful of ashes.
The rumor is sarcastically delivered, in reference to one John the Painter's plan to burn down the Bank of England, "for stone and gold are wonderfully combustible." But, Franklin, who did devise a simple but invaluable means to conduit lightning, was often reputed to have mastered powers and technologies long before their time had come. (See Marguerite Gérard's etching To the Genius of Franklin) He was also said to have designed a means of wielding sunlight into, essentially, a death beam with which to repel the British navy.
These rumors roughly describe technologies that were in fact designed by Nikola Tesla over one hundred years later. The designs, particularly Tesla's "death ray," were said to have been seized by the U.S. government upon his death and developed in black budget weapons programs.
As for their destructive potential, consider Tesla's self-report of testing his alarm clock sized mechanical oscillator (only a little bigger than Franklin's reputed toothpick case sized device) upon a steel construction site in 1898, as told in Margaret Cheney's Tesla: Man Out of Time...
...he put the little oscillator in his coat pocket. Finding a half-built steel building in the Wall Street district, 10 stories high with nothing up but the steelwork, he clamped the oscillator to one of the beams.
"In a few minutes I could feel the beam trembling. Gradually the trembling increased in intensity and extended throughout the whole great mass of steel. Finally the structure began to creak and weave, and the steelworkers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Before anything serious happened, I took off the oscillator, put it in my pocket, and went away. But if I had kept on 10 minutes more, I could have laid that building flat in the street. And with the same oscillator I could drop Brooklyn Bridge in less than an hour."
Then, some 103 years later, there were those two 110 story completed structures, nearby in Lower Manhattan, that were, in professor Judy Wood's terminology, "dustified" into a blizzard of ashes by what, we cannot say with certainty. However, some eyewitness (or better, "bone-witness") accounts of rumblings immediately before the felling of the towers might suggest that something like the reputed Franklin device, or Tesla's "earthquake machine," was deployed...Pg. 5 of Bradley Mann:
Shortly before the first tower came down I
remember feeling the ground shaking. I heard
a terrible noise and then debris started
flying everywhere.
Pg. 7 of Louis Cook:
Okay. I start going across this
pedestrian bridge. I'm the only one on this
bridge. I'm walking across it, and then I just
remember feeling a rumble and hearing this
rumbling sound that was really intense. It
actually shook my bones.
Pg. 11 of Paul Curran:
...all of a sudden the ground
just started shaking. It felt like a train was
running under my feet.
...The next thing we know, we look up and
the tower is collapsing, it's coming down.
Pg. 10 of Karin Deshore:
...a sound came from somewhere that I never
heard before...It was the worst sound of a
rolling sound, not a thunder. I can't explain it,
what it was. All I know is -- and a force
started to come hit me in my back. I
can't explain it...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
By Jove!
The timing is curious in several ways. July, named after Julius Caesar, is the month originally associated (at least until Augustus came along) with Jupiter, the chief of the Roman deities. Moreover, the association of Jovis pater with the head of Rome extends to the present day, with the Pope serving as the highest Father of the catholic church. So, the strange coincidence of Pope Benedict XVI suffering a fall and injuring his right hand at the same time that the great planet was about to be struck, or indeed as it was being struck (it wasn't noticed until two days later) comes at a time when one of the harshest foes of popery, Tony Alamo (who perhaps betrays his envy thereof with the self-ascribed title, "World Pastor"), stands trial on child molestation charges.
As WXXX notes, followers of the latter are likely to take these signs in the heavens and on Earth as true portents of God's favor for their pastor. Until the verdict comes.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Foreign Entanglement
But this post concerns the less desirable foreign entanglements of the body politic, such as are addressed in George Washington's statement: "'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent Alliances, with any portion of the foreign World." Presently there are three entanglements fitting the criteria of such alliance: the relationships between the United States and the countries of Great Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Here, we gather some reporting on the latter entanglement. In Exposed: British 'BAE' Hand Behind Terror, by Jeffrey Steinberg of Lyndon LaRouche's foundation, we read that BEA was allegedly slushing money around in the same pool that was utilized by 9/11 hijackers Alhazmi and Almidar, with facilitation by two of Prince Bandar bin Sultan's men. The background for this article is in the cited June 24 New York Times.
A couple of anecdotes have surfaced recently that attest to the intimacy of the U.S. entanglement with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. First, it is reported that CIA director George Tenet had a Mel Gibson moment at Bandar's pool in 2004.
This is trivial but interesting; if Tenet's relationship with Bandar was similarly cozy as of early 2001, while Ahazmi and Almidar were receiving support, albeit via intermediaries, from Bandar, questions are raised about the refusal of the CIA to open leads (concerning the presence of Alhazmi and Almidar in the U.S.) to John O'Neill's FBI investigation of al Qaeda. See Lawrence Wright's chapter "The Big Wedding," and particularly his account of the June 11, 2001 meeting with the CIA in The Looming Tower, beginning at pg. 333. This account belies Tenet's claim, in a 2007 interview with 60 Minutes, that Alhazmi and Almidar simply fells through the cracks of bureaucracy.
And in other news, former FBI director Louis Freeh is now Prince Bandar's legal spokesman, as seen in the Frontline special, Black Money. As noted in the comment from "Louisville," Freeh proved to be another obstructor to John O'Neill's investigation of Saudi relationships with al Qaeda in the years and months preceding 9/11 (when O'Neill was killed at the WTC, as the new head of security)...
"The first time I ever heard of FBI director Freeh was when I watched Frontline's "The Man Who Knew". In that program he seemed to be the one who was instrumental in getting rid of FBI agent John O'Neill. John O'Neill was the counter-terrorism expert who had been tracking Al Qaeda for six years. Is it possible that Louis Freeh was on the Saudi payroll even before 9/11, and forced O'Neill out because he was getting too close to Bin Laden and some of his Saudi friends? Is it possible that Freeh was interfering with the investigation to protect his friend Bandar?..."
And there is a history between the two. Freeh's relationship with Bandar during the Khobar Towers bombing investigation in the late '90s, suggest that he was Bandar's dupe.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Earth Port, Kazakhstan
Another project, now only in its planning stages, and apparently not to be built in Astana, but in the former capital of Almaty, is an embassy for extraterrestrial beings*. Kazakhstan is not an inappropriate location, if you consider that within its borders is the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the launch site of Sputnik and countless other Soviet space missions. This tradition shall continue with Kazakhstan's own National Space Agency, as we read in this EADS Astrium press release: Astrium signs strategic partnership agreement with Kazakhstan...
Kazakhstan has been involved in spaceflight since the very beginning. In 1955, the USSR chose Baikonur as the launch site for the first satellite, the legendary Sputnik 1. Then in 1961 the world’s first astronaut, Yuri Gagarin, took off from Baikonur. Leased from Kazakhstan, Baikonur is still Russia’s foremost launch site today. Talgat Musabayev was one of two Kazakhstan astronauts who worked for the USSR / Russia. He is now Head of the new National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Kazcosmos”.
Curiously enough, Musabayev is said to be involved in the alien embassy project, as we read in Kazakhstan: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy.
* A very rough translation:
The first embassy for extraterrestrial beings in the history of humanity will be built in Kazakhstan.
Allegedly the authorities of Almaty have already granted a section of land under the building and appropriate diplomatic status for the structure. The section is an area of several square kilometers located beyond the limits of city, in the Nenavigatsionnoy zone. The embassy for the official methods of the newcomers will in the course of time bring to Kazakhstan enormous financial and scientific benefits.
The initiators of the building of the embassy for the extraterrestrial beings assured that extraterrestrial super-civilization will sooner or later arrive on a mission to Earth. - Naturally, for the newcomers it will be necessary to have an embassy, from where they will begin to achieve contact with Earthlings. There Kazakhstan will prove to be at the forefront of the entire planet. Accordingly, the newcomers of extraterrestrial civilization will fix the first diplomatic contacts with Astana.
In the constructed embassy for [inoplanetyan] are provided all necessities: guest houses, conference hall, mobile connection with diplomatic missions, translation service, tennis court, solarium, film auditorium and the Internet.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Birkat HaChamah 2009
However, since the 3rd Century astronomer Shmuel miscalculated the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, Birkat Hachamah is now celebrated 18 days after the tekufat Nissan, or Vernal Equinox. This 11 minute error was itself celebrated in the completion of the previous cycle in 1981, when a Birkat HaChanah ritual occurred atop what was then the world's largest representation of the number eleven...
The last time this special blessing was recited, April 8,1981, special gatherings were held in various locations for the public recital of the prayer – including atop one of the Twin Towers of the no-longer-extant World Trade Center in New York.
The error of an ancient Hebrew astronomer notwithstanding, the timing and location of this particular celebration carries some symbolic interest. For on this occasion the Moon had conjuncted with Saturn the evening before, then to pass into the sign of Virgo on the morning of April the 8th. Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama had completed his first journey to the Old World as President, including a surprise final stop in Baghdad, Iraq. Thus did he return to Washington with the Sun of this Birkat HaChamah in tow, leading it into Virgo, the astrological sign with which this city has been bound ever since the Black Man, Benjamin Banneker, observed a solar eclipse from the banks of the Potomac on April the 3rd, 1791. (See pages 6 & 7 of David Ovason's The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol)
April 27
Nineteen days after Birkat HaChamah, Air Force One flies over lower Manhattan, igniting memories of 9/11/01 and inciting mass panic. POTUS was not on board, since this was only a photo-op, or an exercise of benign state-sponsered terrorism.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
The acronym suggests a Janus headed arrangement of the Egyptian sun god RA...
It is either moving toward perfection or moving toward disintegration. Or under certain circumstances doing both things at the same time.
Apt enough: major provisions are alloted to the development of infrastructure for a solar and wind energy industry; in order to a more immediate transfer of the sun's power to "grid-able" electricity, as opposed to a solar transference delayed by aeons...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Our Mr. Sun
And somewhat timely: see Hollywood's village idiot on the symbolism of the rising sun...
Jordan Maxwell on Alex Jones TV
For instance, note the logo of Kaiser Permanente

The "permanent caeser" of planet Earth would be... the Sun, but of another "Son"...
The Widow's Son
Remember, M.O. as the "black widow" ... the Hope of course is that it never comes to that, so long as he remains focused on the Sun...
Sunlight Before Signing
Meanwhile, rising from the East, Iran enters the space jam, signifying "Hope"
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Black Man
This is all placed and based in a secret Masonic ritual. And at the core of the secret of that ritual is the Black man.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Farewell George III
On the eve of his stepping down, some observations on his parting comments of last Thursday:
George W. Bush Farewell Address to the Nation
His apology: "As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before Nine Eleven, but I never did..."
It has been our best guess, contrary to the "9/11 is an inside job" howlers, that he was not consensual in this event, but extorted, as Webster Tarpley has suggested of the "Angel is next" message received at the White House soon after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Quoting from approximately halfway down the page of his interview:
‘Angel is next.’ Implies the top-secret codename or codeword for the
Presidential aircraft, Air Force One. I go into intelligence agency reports,
now let me just make a parenthesis, (9/11 didn’t occur in a vacuum, it
occurs in a world in which there are others watching. Who’s watching?
Well, Russia’s watching, Israel’s watching very much, the French are
watching, there’s Germans, Japan…), what I found is 3 separate reports,
one is the Réseau Voltaire which is obviously benefiting from leaks from
French intelligence. The Réseau Voltaire version, which came out
September 20th (or) 25th, says that the ‘Angel is next.’ phone call
came complete with top secret codeword, across a variety of agencies,
suggesting that the people that were behind the attacks were a powerful
faction inside the US intelligence community and government in general.
And that secondly, they had the nuclear launch codes in their possession.
This report goes on to say that the Bush team thought during most of the
day, that they were the target of a military coup. And it was only
somehow later in the day that the situation was recomposed. Now what
would it mean?
Essentially it means that the invisible government force behind 9/11 tells
Bush that he must respond by stating that its Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, the
Arabs, the Islamic world, and that what’s gonna happen is the invasion of
Afghanistan, and above all the beginning of the ‘war of civilizations’ that
Samuel Huntington writes about. An open-ended aggression of the United
States against the Arab and Islamic world.
The implication seems to be, in the Réseau Voltaire report, that if Bush
doesn’t do this, that this group is capable of starting that same war, using
not conventional forces but nuclear missiles. Simply ordering the launch of
missiles toward, well, Afghanistan perhaps, but maybe Baghdad, maybe
Damascus, maybe Tehran, maybe Cairo, maybe Islamabad, Rabat, Tunisia,
Kuala Lumpur, you name it. Any place in the Arab or Islamic world that
would then start the war of civilizations with a vengeance.
The Debka, Debka is an internet service that generally reflects the views
of the Israeli Mossad, and they are even more emphatic that this telephone
call came complete with multiple codeword indicating that the invisible
government force behind the attack which stretched through numerous
Federal agencies and executive departments. They knew a whole selection
of codeword that they seemed to have included with this phone call.
shadowy group. You can’t just call them up. But they speak from time to
time, these are KGB old boys. And this appeared in the Russophile
newspaper Zaftra, it’s a group that’s seeking confrontation, they have
this nuclear launch capability, and they’re interested in nuclear
confrontation also with Russia. Because, if it ever had come to this,
in the middle of 9/11, if missiles had ever gone up, as soon as
missiles are launched, Russia and China and others, see it, and they
don’t know where those missiles are going. In the initial phase it’s
not clear what the target is, so it takes a while to figure out where
the missile is actually headed...
With high-level communications so effectively compromised, Bush had to scurry off to Barksdale AFB and to STRATCOM at Offutt AFB (command centers from which nuclear missiles are launched) in order to thwart, with his physical presence, any rouge commands that might arrive. But can we assume, as does Tarpley, that the group behind these messages is domestic? It is perhaps domestic but only to the extent that moles had infiltrated the US government. But why not consider any of the above cited intelligence sources: though we doubt that the French were behind 9/11, what about Namakon, or the Mossad and, it should be added, MI6? We cannot shake our suspicions that the British Israelite faction have never given up in their efforts to keep the U.S. "in the fold"... Particularly, for a President who's campaign promise had been not to engage the U.S. in "nation building" (i.e. enforcing other people's empires), a very emphatic point needed to be made.
Back to Bush's farewell, towards end of speech: "Our enemies are patient, and determined to strike again..."
"Enemies" is a broad and indiscriminate term. What is the referent? There follows a somewhat incongruent warning against isolationism (incongruent insofar as this usually comes in an economic context).
This warning is in stark contrast to the Final Address of George the First:
"'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent Alliances, with any portion of the foreign World."
A fair warning to heed whilst the Gaza siege continued with Israeli bombs supplied by the U.S. Indeed, as missiles struck the U.N. compound, this was the foreign context of George the Third's farewell...