Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obama Baits Civil War

Since the beginning of his presidential bid (Wilmette), Obama has frequently implied self-comparisons and invited media-assisted comparisons (Newsweek, CBS, L.A. Times) to Lincoln. Now, in a Christian Science Monitor headline, we find another point of similarity: States Rebel Against Washington

With the passage and signing of the "ObamaCare" bill, the states - beginning with Virginia - have been moved to assert the rights of their citizens over the federal law, particularly on the issue of the individual mandate.

Speaker Pelosi's butchering of the words of that venerable Virginian, Thomas Jefferson, warrant special attention. In a disgusting paraphrase from the Declaration of Independence, she said:

...we will honor the vows of our founders, who in the Declaration of Independence said that we are ‘endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ This legislation will lead to healthier lives, more liberty to pursue hopes and dreams and happiness for the American people.

But, if delivered with honesty, here is how the speech would have went...

Herewith is established a C change in American sovereignty. Now with this act of Congress - however shamefully it was executed - the Federal Government now has a stake in the maintenance of the very bodies of each and every one of the U.S. citizenry. Henceforth, the citizen is a subject, on this most fundamental level. People of America, go to hellth with your unalienable rights. Your life is a ward of the state. Your happiness consists in the pursuit of hellth insurance. Your are at liberty to choose government sanctioned hellth care.

Never mind the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence is Null and Void!


Unknown said...

If Pelosi is the embodiment of this C change, then I assert: Nancy, tear off your bodice, hoist the tricolour and charge fiercely into administrating the state-run freedoms your dependants have so heftily earned. Do not slumber until every man, woman, child is factory farmed from the cradle to the grave - stuffed into 3 x 4 cages, force fed our own ground-up extremities, herded blindly through the slaughterhouse maze and harvested to our utmost commercial potential.

Yea, if the keenly endowed Jefferson were to return to his country at this moment his visage would no doubt marvel approvingly at some of our art museums and national parks. He would climb Mt. Rushmore, remove his pants and discharge a hot runny shit on top of his own head for bequeathing the most flawless vision of the European Enlightenment into the turd encrusted hands of such craven degenerates as we find ourselves today. "Gah!", he might exclaim, "the people have lost faith in the government? Nay, the government loses faith in the people! By the founder's law, congress is duty-bound to vote these commoners out of enfranchisement. For the rent of a mule's cunt they have venally trafficked the magnificent birthrights which Superman, Spiderman and the better angels of our nature have fought and died for - and hence pawned their perpetual salvation."

On his passage back to the netherworld, Jefferson may well hold the door to the inferno open and call in, "Halloo, Stalin - our man of steel! Get back up there - those stooges need a dose!"

WXXX said...

Well said, orphan.

Now, KRZOG, I'm rather surprised you didn't pick up on the significance of the date... The bill was passed just before midnight of March 22, that is: 3/22, on which date the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, in 1765, and with which we associate this image of protest: O! The Fatal Stamp, a skull and crossbones, with which we also associate this organization: Skull and Bones 322

Death Panels indeed!